Thursday, September 9, 2010

Silent Ministries Recovery Outreach for Battered Abused Discriminated and Disadvantaged

byline: Miranda Rhuda

Silent Ministries, Battered Abused Discriminated and Disadvantaged (BADD), headquartered in Lake Park, Ga., is a rapidly growing ministry known to more than 3600 members.

This ministry utilizes the professions and talents of their staff and members to provide many services to people all over the world. They do not charge a flat rate for any services. They only ask that you provide an affordable donation towards the services provided to you. If you are in an emergency situation and do not have finances available to you, they provide services free.

Some of the services that they provide include: Child Custody and Child Support Assistance, Employment Searches, Self-Defense Product Distribution, Inspirational and Instructional Books, and Grief and Abuse Counseling.

They also make it possible for battered and abused women and children to learn how to gain freedom and prosper through faith-based education and support. They also provide financial assistance to battered women, so that they may obtain good attorneys for divorce and protection order processing.

They provide food, clothing, and gifts for birthdays and Christmas’ to disadvantaged children.

They correspond and minister to inmates through bible studies, prayer support and letters of faith. Their main focus is on domestic violence and sexual or physical abuse. However, they make will reach out to convert any inmates including those whose past lives on the streets included drugs, promiscuity, rape, sex offenses, deviations, perversions and murder.

They provide an international prayer network of more than 3600 members and openly accept prayer requests and new members.

They are involved in the Migrant Workers Ministry, providing support and assistance to the migrant workers in the USA.

Their vision for the future includes: achieving a live evangelical ministry to assist an orphanage in India with Pastor Dakes, and starting a virtual online church named the International Community Chapel of Hope. The Chapel will offer courses on the Bible, Life Purpose, Word of God and living through Jesus, providing participants with a Certification of Faith upon completion.

They are very serious about their purpose and work for God. This ministry will fight for you, tooth and nail, if that is what you need.

Check them out at
Silent Ministries, due to numerous requests, is offering an opportunity to organize chapters in your community or state. Silent Ministries is a faith-based organization that ministers to body, soul, spirit, and the basic and sometimes complicated issues that families and individuals face.

Nationally,we provide child support assistance and investigations, missing persons investigations, domestic violence and abuse investigations, leadership workshops, consumer issues, and pre-legal case investigation. For instance, many clients do not know how to communicate thier case to an administrative agency such as Dept of Labor, Child Services or Adoption Services, Employment, OSHA, or need guidance on how to communicate their case to the courts when they cannot affird an attorney.
We are offering clients in rural areas, nursing homes, and other circumstances where they cannot attend church a church outreach. We can train you how to begin a church outreach in your community even from our small and humble facilities in Statenville, Georgia. We can provide materials, tapes, videos, certificates, charters, fundraising ideas, and much more such as neighborhood watch organizing, ministerial training, child support workshops to offer in your chapter, other workshops such as domestic violence, child abuse, consumer issues, employment and worker rights, and much more. As you can see we are serious about expanding this ministry to a home near you.

Silent Ministries provides support, encouragement, and protection for children set to testify in abuse cases through our grass roots National Association For Child Protectors and Black Robes and White Horses. Through this faith-based ministry we help children with basic needs, legally called "necessaries." We also provide protection and encouragement such as appearing in court as a show of support for abused children. This is explained in the kit you can recieve.

There is an introductory kit we can mail to you to study, think about, and pray about. The cost of the kit is $25.00. Please pray about this, talk to others, and if you decide that it is not for you to show your ministry through just please pray for us and support us with a small donation.

Please go to or and sign up, give a small testimony of what God is doing for you or place your prayer request. Thousands of prayer warriors will pray for you. Your request remains anonymous and your case is anonymous.

Please help us help others.
Love and Prayers

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Why we do what we do?

First, I'd like to ask your prayers for two new cases recently opened. I'l also be asking your prayers for a new agency we are opening under Silent Ministries called The National Association of Child Protectors. learn to work with Law Enforcement, Social Services, and other agenices, churches, pastors, and individuals and larn how to protect our hildren, addrss these issues that are falling between the cracks in today's budget cuts.

When I give you this testimony you will understand more and more why we need chapters across the country, why we do what we do, and what makes us tick.

First, one of the cases involves two sisters in Florida who are going without medical care, food, clothing, and are about to be dispossessed of the only security they had left, their home. Why? Becuase "daddy" refuses to honor his court ordered child support as well as key elements of the order.

The second case involvs domestic violence. A mother 's ex boyfriend went on a shooting rampage in a jealous rage here in Georgia close to us. He's beaten her severely and has threatened to kill her when he gets out of jail. I cannot disclose many details at his time but gfolks they need your prayers.

Go to the law? She did. The law told her that there is nothing they can do about the threats UNTIL and UNLESS he actually hurts her. We are quietly working on this case. We need your prayers and support to help this mother and her's and ex-boyfriend's new born son.

We are seeking volunteers to help us write letters. We will furnish you the letter material and words. We are seeking individuals who will help us man a fundraiser booth for about four hours. We also need to begin training new comers in investigations and advocacy. Government agencies are over loaded, understaffed, under financed, and under caring. Through a national organization we can train you. Yes, there will be a cost but the cost is not as great as the cost if we do nothing. PLease pray about beginning a chapter in your home.

We are preparing a kit that will give you the idea of what you are looking at.

PLEASE, take a look at the new members who have joined Silent Ministries. These are caring people and they are growing stronger everyday. If you have no church home and need an outreah church we can bless you through Silent Ministries Church Outrach. If you need a fellowship for your children we have Silent Ministries Youth Outreach.

If you need clothes, food, child support, if you have consumer issues, we can help you. If you know a child who is going to testify in court about abuse or domestic violence and he or she needs protection or encouragement contact us.

Love you all so very much and thank you for your prayers and support. PLease help us this month with the expenses incurred by helping these children.

Oh, by the way, the agencies who promise to help these children will be helping them. If we have to file a writ of mandamus in a court of equity in order to sue for these kid's well being we will.

In the mean time we need to help them as much as we can.

Jim and Carolyn

Sunday, September 5, 2010

History of Custody Rulings

In most places in the United States, custody is awarded to the mother of the children. This is due to a sexual stereotype that has been played on heavily throughout the years. But it hasn’t always been that way…
In ancient days the father’s had EXCLUSIVE rights to their children, as if they were property to be owned. They were free to do as they pleased with their children including kill or sell them! In divorce, custody was ALWAYS awarded to the father, as they were his asset!
In the nineteenth century gradually the outlook of divorce and custody began to change. The courts began applying limits to the father’s right to custody. Custody would be removed the father’s rights even if he was found to be “immorally fit”… such as atheistic or malicious beliefs or opinions. Upon this time, it was believed that children had special needs that mothers could better provide. This was called the “tender years presumption”. The Talfourd Act of 1839 gave the courts the authority to award custody of children under the age of seven- to the mother. But this however was only a temporary custody arrangement. Once the children reached around the age or five or six, the father was thought to be more suitable as a parent and custody was shifted to the father. This at least, made a little bit more sense. This arrangement was at least better than the thought that the mother was ALWAYS in the best of interest of the child. However, today’s legal system still has yet to find this reasoning again…
Over time, the age in which the tender years custody arrangement was switched over to the father, extended longer and longer until eventually it disappeared entirely. Psychologists started to stress the importance of the natural mother/child bond. They said that the relationship of a child and a mother were essential to healthy growth of the child. They said that motherly love was a dominant trait that father’s just did not possess. Therefore a child needs their mother’s care more than their father’s.
Eventually the courts started following a guideline that we will call “the best interest of the child” standard. This replaced the tender years presumption. The best interest standard supposedly focuses on the child’s needs more than the parents attributes. But this is not always the best case either…
There was a case of a mother who was taking pornographic photos of her 4-year-old son. When the father came across them, he immediately sought out custody. The child and the mother were both sent for psychiatric evaluation. The mother admitted to what she did and they child told stories of suckling on his mother’s breast. The psychiatrist declared that the relationship between the mother and son was anything but healthy… but in the end, for whatever reason, recommended to the court that custody be given back to the mother. Because the psychiatrist supposedly believes that research said that a child NEEDS their mother for healthy growth… WHAT? That’s crazy!!! Yeah… but that’s the way it is. The court will normally do whatever the psychiatrist deems recommended. And this is not always in the “best interest of the child”!
Stereotypes of men, women and children dictate custody arrangements. It has been assumed that mother’s are better suited to love and for their children and father’s are better to protect and provide for their children. Therefore mother’s are given full custody to love and care for the child… and father’s are slapped with an insane Child support order and a couple days of visitation to protect and PROVIDE for the child.
This is based on nothing more than folklore and we have got to get the justice and legal systems to change their way of thinking!!!

Who Do We Assist? Not those who abuse the system!

Who Do We Assist?
I think that it is important for us to clarify who we assist and how we help them. There are many people these days who “abuse the system”. People are greedy and they take advantage of the welfare system and non-profit services. We do not help people like this! We do not provide services for those who are already receiving assistance!

We also do not help people who are not willing to help themselves. When a client comes to us for services, they are thoroughly screened. If they are not employed, we will find out why. We will have them provide the proper information for a resume and cover letter to be drafted. We then help them find employment. If they are willing to cooperate in this process, then we will help them. But unless they are going to do something to help their self, we are not going to act as a crutch!

Too many young parents are looking for an easy way out these days. People are taking advantage of the disability services and welfare programs. We do not encourage this behavior. It is our goal to change the way of thinking and inspire and encourage young parents to become INDEPENDENT and help themselves!

If this is something that you think is worthy of funding… Or if you are someone who needs this kind of service… please visit our website at or send us an e-mail at

Friday, September 3, 2010

Ministry Needs Volunteers

Hey Everybody! We need manpower for the ministry...

We are looking for volunteers for the following positions and responsibilities. If you can be of any assistance at all, please let us know! Sign up on our Volunteer Page!

Health Support Groups: We need individuals who have health ailments or experience with them to please start a support group for our members. This is a strongly desired asset to the ministry!

Marketing Team: We need individuals who like to chat on forums, groups, etc... online that are willing to help spread the word about the ministry. There are lots of ways that we can advertise for free, but we need manpower to do it. If you are willing, we will train you!

Donation Drivers: We need people who will take donations and set up donation drives for the ministry. Or who are willing to collect donations from family and friends for the ministry. We need funding!

Fundraiser Team: We are looking for people who are willing to come up with new fundraisers and ways to raise funds for the ministry.

Intake Screening: People who are willing to help new clients with applications and screen them for approval for services.

Research Team: Looking for people who like to search the web and are willing to do case research, job research, etc... all online!

Unemployment Team: Good at writing resumes and cover letters? We could use you on the team to do writing for our clients.

Letter Writing: Often we have clients who need support writing letters to legislation and sending them off for support of reasons that we advocate. If you are willing... we need numbers of people!

Prison Ministry: Are you willing to try and change the life or reform a sinner? We need people who are willing to write prisoners, giving them compass and desire to change!

Member Recruitment: We are ALWAYS looking for new members. Are you one who is good at presenting things and has no problem asking people for things? Ask people to join our ministry!

SMRO Goes National

We pleased to announce that Silent Ministries Recovery Outreach is expanding outside of the Georgia area. We will be expanding our ministry nationally with new chapters opening in Ohio, Texas and California.

Three very dedicated women have chosen to open chapters for the ministry in their hometowns. This is a very big step in the right direction!

If you are a dedicated member or would like to participate in opening your own chapter in the ministry, please contact Miranda Rhuda at or Pastor Jim Harnage at